Smart Cities Getting Transformed with Leader’s Smart City Solutions
“With the new normal, the smart city solutions, too, are becoming smarter. Emerging technologies, AI, and IoT are transforming cities to an all-new smart way.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world, if not entirely, but to a certain extent.
It created a disruption, presented challenges, and provided the world with opportunities in one way or the other.
While it made the business practices go digital with the emerging digital transformation; it also changed the other elements of human aspects, and the way of living couldn’t be left behind.
With the rising urbanization, cities’ capacity is also expanding, resulting in more smart city projects.
A smart city utilizes Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to develop, deploy, and promote sustainable development practices among citizens, thereby changing their lives.
Moreover, a smart city adds value to citizens’ lives by leveraging smart technology that encompasses AI, IoT, and other smart solutions.
This rise in smart city projects in most cities transforms a normal city into a digitized one with more innovative smart solutions.
Key Elements For Digitally Driven Smart City:
The key elements that achieve a digitally-driven Smart City entail the following:
- Wireless connectivity
- Open data
- Security you can trust in
- Flexible monetization schemes
Emerging technologies such as AI and Cloud-based IoT applications receive, analyze, and manage data in real-time and help municipalities, corporates, and citizens make better decisions that improve quality of life.
According to recent research, the smart city market will reach USD 800 Billion by 2026; owing to the rise in well-connected ICT technologies and digitally transformed ecosystems.
In terms of the population living in cities, a significant 54% of people will live in cities by 2021.
This figure will be reaching almost 66% by 2050, adding another significant 2.5 billion people to the cities.
These figures show the rapid urbanization and rising need for smart cities.
However, achieving a well-connected digitally-driven smart city is less about having technologies and more about implementing those technologies.
Leader Group’s Smart City Solutions consists of a comprehensive suite of smart city solutions that help cities make better decisions to improve their efficiency, security, traffic, water supply networks, and waste management.
With Leader Group’s focus on providing its customers with smart city solutions, the key areas which Leader Group focuses on include Smart Gardens, Smart waste management, and Smart Lighting.
Smart Gardens:
Calling it a “Gardening Management System,” Leader Group provides its client with smart solutions that enable them to take care of their gardens in a digitally-driven way.
“Gardening Management system” is performed through the Automax operation management system, a product of the Leader Group.
The mobile app creates tasks based on the contractor operation plan; handles the related gardens through the 940free line available.
Smart Waste Management:
Leader Group’s unique smart approach that helps municipalities to address the solid waste problems stands out among the competitors.
With IoT technology in use, the sensors alert the waste collection vehicles about the waste containers in different zones and notify them about their status.
It makes the waste collection process more manageable and smoother; saving the waste collection time and reducing the unnecessary costs associated with the fuel wasted during long routes.
Leader Groups smart waste management enables municipalities to manage the solid wastes across the cities, effectively contributing to the smart cities.
Smart Lighting:
Streetlights across the cities face electricity being wasted, with untimely electricity use, even when not required.
This excessive use of electricity ends up incurring unnecessary costs to the municipalities.
Leader’s “Lighting Management System” helps manage the lights remotely; significantly reducing consumption by 35-75%, thus enabling municipalities to save costs and increase efficiency.
Energy Efficiency:
Energy efficiency is one of the topmost priorities of the organizations and municipalities in achieving an efficient smart city.
Leader Group provides connectivity, security, safety, and automation to the buildings using an efficient system of low current signal with an extra-low voltage such as Fire Alarm and Telephone Systems.
This energy efficiency approach from Leader Group enables cities to manage their energy requirements efficiently.
Furthermore, Leader Group’s Smart City solutions sense, processes, and deliver informed decisions that improve citizens’ environment and ensure that future cities are livable, sustainable, and resilient.
Smart cities are the future.
The emergence of digital transformation adds to the prevalence of smart cities even more than before.
The rise in the need to address solid waste, manage streetlights; and improve energy efficiency results in an efficient and sustainable smart city.
Hence, Leader Group’s Smart City solutions transform the cities by addressing the significant issues municipalities face effectively that make them stand among competitors.