
Enterprise Architecture Services
07 Jan 2022

Standardizing the Organizations’ IT Infrastructure with Leader’s Enterprise Architecture Services

“Digital transformation has evolved the ways of doing businesses, and hence the organizations are re-arranging their business architecture. Leader Group’s comprehensive Enterprise Architecture services standardize the enterprise architecture, enabling the smooth functioning of businesses.”

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in challenges and uncertainties, putting the world in a crisis.

The digital transformation came as an opportunity with the challenges of the pandemic, resulting in Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 is bringing rapid disruptions and innovations across the sectors and great uncertainty, which has resulted in reshaping industries.

The businesses across the sectors also faced these challenges, resulting in business practices going all over the place, especially with the existing frameworks and organizational or enterprise architecture that the organizations have in place.

Also, the digital transformation has resulted in new and innovative digitized business practices that do not support the traditional frameworks of an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Hence, it becomes imperative for organizations to standardize their enterprise architecture, tackle the existing IT-related issues, and remain business competent.

Enterprise architecture aligns a business’s strategic vision with its information technology by connecting different business units for synergistic communication and collaboration; and creating a more seamless end-user experience for the organizations.


Enterprise Architecture Services – Structure:

Enterprise Architecture enables businesses to create competitive advantages, reduce risk, and promote scalability. It is an integral part of any organization.

It encompasses the frameworks, policies, and architectural principles that help large organizations navigate the challenges that influence business, information, and technology in this digitized world.

According to recent research, the value of the enterprise architecture tools market will reach USD 1.2 billion by 2026.

This huge shift is a testimony to the rising transition of businesses to technology-driven enterprise architecture services owing to rising digitized practices.

To help organizations with their enterprise architecture-related needs, Leader Group provides the businesses with its Enterprise Architecture services to achieve their business goals effectively.

Leader’s comprehensive Enterprise Architecture helps businesses’ structure their IT projects and policies to stay on top of industry trends using architecture principles and practices; this process is also called EAP (Enterprise Architectural Planning).

Furthermore, Enterprise architecture is the practice of analyzing, designing, planning, and implementing EA plans.



Big organizations, which generally are come under the enterprise bracket, remain the most vulnerable when reforming the existing IT frameworks.

It involves higher initial costs and the processes of redesigning the existing traditional IT practices with the new It related framework and policies.

Hence, organizations focus on analyzing the EA as per the organizations’ size before implementing it.



Once, analysis of the organizations gets done, the next significant step is to design an appropriate enterprise architecture for an organization that caters to its IT-related requirements.

Leader’s   Software Architecture helps businesses structure IT projects and plans to stay ahead of industry trends and disruptions using architecture principles and practices.



A good plan leads to better results. An EA plan which lacks a proper plan incurs unnecessary costs.

For instance, implementing an enterprise architecture plan to a small enterprise suited for a medium enterprise will incur unnecessary costs and result in achieving the desired business goals.



Implementing the EA plans is the most crucial step in achieving an enterprise architecture. The implementation process scrutinizes the business processes, trends, and ongoing challenges and then decides to go for the EA; which suits their business goals.

Leader’s Group’s approach of combining people, processes, and technology makes it easier for the organizations to restructure their business architecture most cost-effectively.


Enterprise Architecture Solutions – Types:

Leader Group’s Enterprise Architecture solutions focus on business, technology, application, and data, making it stand out.


Business Architecture:

Leader Groups’ Business Architecture framework provides a broad spectrum of strategic, tactical; and operational planning needs that assist the business in achieving an EA that caters to their needs.


Technology Architecture:

Leader Group’s Technological architecture framework represents the technologies behind application implementation required to deploy the business process support systems; thus enabling organizations with effective EA planning.


Application Architecture:

Application architecture framework fro,m Leader Group focus on supporting organizations’ business requirements by allowing efficient management of their entities.


Data Architecture:

Leader Groups’ Big Data Architecture framework describes what the organization needs to know to run its processes and operations.

Leader’s Data Architecture encompasses standards, proven methodology, processes, and practices that provide the organizations with a well-defined approach to an integrated data environment.

Furthermore, Leader Group’s Enterprise Architecture Services can offer redesign and reorganization support; especially during significant organizational changes, mergers, or acquisitions.



To sum up, times are changing rapidly, and so are the ways of doing business.

The traditional IT infrastructure and frameworks are not enough to serve businesses effectively in this changing digitized world.

Hence, to combat this, it becomes crucial for the organizations to implement an Enterprise Architecture plan that ensures the IT infrastructure, policies, and frameworks; which enables organizations to achieve their business goals more smoothly in this digitized world.

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